Wednesday, January 20, 2016

How People are Recruited and How the Bible Can Open Minds and Hearts

The following video (containing three parts) is powerful. It aptly demonstrates how people can be sucked into harmful religions and into embracing questionable ideologies. The promise of a better future and a free home Bible study leads many a person into making a life-changing decision to join an organization but... has it led them to Christ?

In the first video, Joe's Bible is replaced with a Bible produced by the religion. He has no reason to doubt the claim that because this Bible is in modern English, it is easier to understand. As with others just like him, Joe fails to realize that there are many modern Bible versions that make the scriptures easy to understand and that most other religions do not feel the need to actually produce their own Bible version.

Everyone seems kind and helpful and soon, Joe has a whole new group of friends and a whole new family. He has no reason to distrust anything he hears, nor does he have enough Bible knowledge to understand that what he is being taught is not always correct.

As with most new converts, he is told that he is being persecuted because "it's the truth." Never mind that many people in other religions have also been persecuted for their beliefs. For each situation Joe encounters, a scripture is offered that seemed to fit perfectly and that reinforce the group's contention that only their group "has the truth."

One day, Joe calls at a house and a woman named Beverly answers. She is respectful and listens to all Joe says, and invites Joe and his partner inside. Beverly know her Bible. (Part 1)

In the second video, the minister, Leo, who recruited Joe, starts to have doubts. His daughter is disfellowshipped and she is expecting a baby. He and his wife are shunning her but are heartbroken at having to do so.

A chance encounter with Beverly will change the outcome for both Leo and his wife. She helps them to see why disfellowshipping and shunning their daughter is unscriptural.

One of the most touching scenes is when Leo and his wife are going to take a trip to go and see their daughter and be there for the birth of their grandchild. They are finally free to live a normal life and free to spend time with their daughter. (Part 2)

The first two videos in this series offer important scriptural insights and may prove helpful to anyone who has doubts about what they have been taught.

The third video gives a good overview for those with further questions.

Further Reading:

What cards are played to lure someone into a cult?

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