Saturday, October 21, 2017

Shunning and Propaganda

Groups that encourage shunning have drummed up interesting propaganda to make it seem an acceptable practice.

It's interesting to look at how abusive, high control groups seek to rationalize shunning to make it seem a legitimate approach in their dealings with other human beings. They cast mercy, compassion and forgiveness aside, but consider their organizations righteous and "loving."

Many rationales have been advanced to justify shunning. It is touted as:

  • loving discipline
  • it will help someone "come to their senses"
  • it will help someone "return to God"
  • the claim is made that the person being shunned is the one who is actually doing the shunning.
In all of these rationalizations, assumptions are presented as fact.

Loving Discipline
It should be obvious that cutting someone off for years or for a lifetime is not a loving act but one of passive aggression and coercion, one that is arbitrary and that tries to force another person to act in a certain way, to conform to certain requirements.

Helping Someone Come to Their Senses
This makes the assumption that the other person is wrong and needs to change their thinking and their ways. Once again, this is a one-sided dynamic that only offers one acceptable way of thinking and being.

Helping Someone Return to God
This is a humdinger, since a person can believe differently or leave a particular faith group and still very much believe in God. Shunning groups however will quite often claim that someone who leaves their group has left God. This is very convenient and serves group interests.

The Shunned is the Shunner
This is a classic "blame the victim" scenario where those who are doing the victimizing claim to be the victims. No pity is shown for their victim but they play the part of the victimized. "He or she left us."

It's interesting the lengths abusive organizations will go to justify extremist, harmful behavior and the offering of "conditional love."

A One-Sided Predigested Viewpoint in 2016 Shunning Video
In the video below, a classic one-sided viewpoint is presented, wherein the daughter Sonja isn't free to fall in love with someone outside of her parents' religion, so instead of her parents respecting her choices, she is shunned and cut off from her family. And this continues for years until she "comes to her senses."

In a master stroke of propaganda, viewers are purposely stirred to pity for the parents, not Sonja. They hear how the parents have been so hurt by the terrible psychological torment they are inflicting on their daughter. Little to no mention is made of how being shunned affects Sonja, of how psychologically devastating it might be to her, of how having zero contact with her family just might be incredibly hard to deal with. Many who have been treated this way have, in fact, committed suicide.

Predictably, after years of being ignored and treated as if she doesn't exist, Sonja does what is demanded of her and returns to her parents' religion. This is all wrapped up and tied with bow, and the video ends in that returning is presented as the only acceptable choice for Sonja: "... if they had associated with me, even a little, just to check on me, ... it could have made me think there was no need to return to Jehovah." 

And that is the intended take-away for viewers.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Fading Away: Consequences and Victim Blaming

Shunning is Spiritual Blackmail
I had an interesting experience recently. An elderly Jehovah's Witness man came to my door.

We exchanged pleasantries then got into the meat and bones. I told him I would never support any organization that through shunning, destroyed families.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Will Organizations That Shield Pedophiles Now Have to Pay the Piper?

According to ABC News Australia, in a bold move, the Federal Government has announced a new compensation plan for victims of institutional child sexual abuse. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Why Eloise Dupuis Was Not Perfectly Informed About the Risks of Refusing a Blood Transfusion

Last month, Quebec Health Minister Gaetan Barrette said that Eloise Dupuis was "perfectly informed" about the risks of refusing a blood transfusion. The 27-year-old Jehovah's Witness died after refusing treatment deemed critically important and necessary to save her life. And the question has to be asked, are lawmakers failing to protect the populace?

Monday, October 31, 2016

Was Eloise Dupuis a Victim of Undue Influence?

A beautiful young woman is dead in the wake of her religion's "no blood" policy and questions are being asked around the world.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Did Eloise Dupuis Truly Know the Risks of Refusing a Blood Transfusion?

A TRAGIC CASE has been in the news lately of a beautiful young woman just starting out in life, expecting a baby, fulls of dreams and plans for the future. All that came crashing down when Eloise Dupuis turned down a life-saving blood transfusion and died. She left her child motherless and her young husband without a wife.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

"United We Stand" Anti-Shunning Walk-Out Campaign

Whether we participate willingly or unwillingly in shunning, we are still participants and our participation enables those perpetrating it and thus, gives shunning its power

Saturday, May 21, 2016

A Look at Amish Shunning

While many facets of Amish living are appealing: good values, a good work ethic, homegrown food and handmade clothing, close-knit families that respect and care for elderly family members, a cohesive, supportive group environment that sees neighbors helping neighbors, a faith that is supportive of the group as a whole, unfortunately, their shunning mirrors that of other groups and flies in the face of what it means to be tolerant and forgiving.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

New Anti-Gay Cartoon Sparks Controversy

NEW CARTOON FOR CHILDREN PRESENTS ANTI-GAY BELIEF AS GOSPEL and thus young minds are indoctrinated early to one viewpoint, one that could be said to be judgmental, intolerant and dogmatic. Why so?

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Wave: A Thought Control Experiment Involving High School Students

The following movie depicts an experiment done by a teacher in Palo Alto, California in 1967 to demonstrate that the "group think" as seen during Hitler's reign in Nazi Germany could easily happen again. This was a powerful experiment with chilling results.

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